How to book train ticket- Whenever we plan for a journey whether it is for a tour or for interview in some other city or meet friend or relatives in other cities or most frequently for job related works we search for fair charges depending upon mode of transport whether it is bus, train or by a plain. But of these various transportation rail transportation is the cheapest and affordable for each and everyone. So now we go through the steps follow steps how to book a train ticket.
There are multiple ways are there to book a train ticket, 1. Can be booked directly from railway booking or reservation counter. 2. Can be booked directly from third party booking apps. 3 The easiest and quickest way is to book ticket IRCTC official app or website.
So in now we will see how to book train ticket from IRCTC app.
Book train ticket from IRCTC Official App.
To book ticket from IRCTC app follow these steps
a. Open Google play store in your android mobile.
b. Go to search and type “irctc” word, then you will be able to see no of results out of these select ” IRCTC Rail Connect. Please see the below snap.
c. Download the app and register with your necessary details.
d. Then click on login & login with your details.
e. Then click on train option to book train ticket.
f. Click on Book Ticket

g. Enter the stations name from & to journey, select the details like date of your journey, Quota like general, taktal, sleeper etc.

h. Then click on SEARCH TRAINS.
i. Then you will be provided no of trains available for date of journey, from that select your choice of train and type of reservation like sleeper, AC or sitting CC.
j. After selecting type of reservation you will be showing Fare breakup at bottom & then click on PASSENGER DETAILS.

k. Then enter you & your family details if you travelling along with friends or family by clicking on add member.
L. After that continue to payment & make payment with available payment gateway or with IRCTC wallet.
m. Upon successful payment you will be received a unique PNR no along with that Coach number, berth number based on the type of your reservation. or else you can go through to my bookings tab and there you can able to see your no of bookings made so far.
n. Please note that the Coach and berth number that you have allocated at the time of booking may change after the preparation of chart. After chart is prepared again you will be received a sms or you can check the updated details in same my bookings tab.
Now we will see how to book train ticket though IRCTC official website.
Book train ticket from IRCTC Official Website.
a. Go to IRCTC official website or you can type IRCTC in google, then you can click on website.
b. Login with your details, if you haven’t registered then register with your details.
c. In train search section provide your journey details and date then click on search.
d. Then follow the same steps that we have mentioned above to book the train ticket.
This way you can book your train ticket through IRCTC official app or official website on your own with out depending on the other person. There are also other ways to book the train ticket like using the travelling apps. But while booking through this app it will redirected to IRCTC app or website. So it better to book through IRCTC app or website.